Wednesday, September 20, 2006

a morning quickie post...

Scout, thanks for lighting the candle, wonderful (hugs)!

Got a busy morning, putting the finishing touches on one loan, meeting some prospective borrowers for another... I have several peeps out househunting so hopefully, the dam will burst and things will get rolling.

HP, thanks for:


Patience to be able to wait for the loans to move forward...

Persistence in continuing to try to get more deals in the pipeline

My wife, son n doggie

The serenity to not get freaked over money n stuff

The reminder that I am here to be of service

Prayer for the day...

God/HP, thanks for yet another sober morning! Thanks for being patient with me while I figure out what this whole joining the church thing is all about. Thanks for the courage to attend my first RCIA mtg last nite, and not chicken out. I pray that I may keep an open and attentive mind and heart while learning about Your Church. I pray that I may seek first to love, understand, serve, give, etc rather than seeking these things for myself. I pray that I am a good AA example to my fellow meeting attendees this evening.

peace to y'all...


dAAve said...

morning quickies are GREAT!!

Shannon said...

LOL daave
have a good one hope all goes well

Mary Christine said...

Please feel free to use me as a resource for your RCIA... like asking "stupid" questions if you would like.

JJ said...

Thanks for being grateful.
I see you,