Saturday, January 19, 2008

packed full!

The talk went well with the club yesterday morning... I think I opened some eyes as to the horrors of alcoholism and drug addiction. They all seemed pretty interested in what I had to share. Hopefully it'll someday create an opportunity to make myself available to a suffering alkie like me.

Well, another Saturday at work. Frankly, I am really struggling with time mgt. (and well with office mgt too, lol). The mgr of one of the branches I work in is a bit over the top for me. I feel like I am being baby sat (perhaps I need to be, lol) at times and I have a tough time dealing with micro-management. So, we had to have a sit down and get some stuff sorted out, which wastes time and energy. I think I am going to have to do some time blocking in order to get a better handle on my work day. I spend alot (too much) time reacting to calls, emails, issues, etc. At the end of the day, I feel like I have kicked ass all day, worked hard and long and yet I often find myself wondering what tangible things have I actually accomplished. So, I am going to work on a different approach, blocking off time for specific activities within my job so that I have time each day to hit the main functions. Otherwise, I can see myself not succeeding and eventually burning out... (and other unmentionably horrific things... lol)

God, please help me to slow down, better organize my day. Help guide me in my efforts to be positive without being manic... to be calm and kool when stuff gets insane without being a huge downer. Help me to listen and use the good suggestions given to me, and to block out the nonsense that comes from this mgr. I pray to you for her health and well-being, that she might find peace and happiness in her life. Thanks for helping me with my decision to not attend this year's annual winter AA Men's retreat this weekend. While I could really use the peace/etc I have too much to do to give up an entire weekend.

peace be with you all!

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