Saturday, April 05, 2008

banker's hrs... riiiiiight!

HA! let me know when those kick in! lol My last day off was Easter Monday, my next one will probably be April 12th lol. Banker's Hours, humph! lol

I got started on the honey-do list in preparation to do our annual spring community garage sale. I spent a couple hrs last nite going through filing cabinets and consolidating old paperwork and unneeded files to make room for other stuff. Today after work and workout, it'll be time to clean the garage of it's winter scrunge... road salt, dirt, some clutter... Can't have a garage sale in a dirty garage!

We had a great lesson on prayer Wed nite at class. I think one, maybe two of 'em were actually into it, lol. Teaching 8th graders about their faith and the Church is an awful lot like trying to herd cats into a bathtub. But, it does feel great to know that a few of them participated and took something away from the discussion.

I haven't been to my Saturday morning Men's prayer group in a few months, and they've changed formats and discussion content since my last visit. Today I am to lead them in discussion and meditation on questions relating to the Scripture readings for Sunday's Mass. I am not sure I am ready, been reading through the material... we get the material from this Catholic Men's website and it's really thought provoking stuff. It should be interesting.

I've been scanning through Adrienne's treatment of the 12 Steps of AA, discussed through the lens of the Catholic Church... Great stuff Adrienne, keep going! I intend to continue on reading and enjoying, check it out!

At work: I've been stressing beyond the breaking point over some difficult loans/customers and the various ridiculous challenges posed by working for a HUGE multinational bank. I MUST find a way to relieve the tension, to deal more effectively with the nonsense or I will surely burn myself out, lose/quit an excellent job. My problem, like any self-respecting alcoholic/addict is that I take everything too seriously and too personally. If I could do better with just that facet of me... I would find great relief, I believe!

Heavenly Father, please help me let go and let You manage my outcomes. Please guide my thinking today, that I might stay fast to the notion that I am here to be of service to You and those around me. Help me to lead our group well in our study of Your Word this morning! Thank You for all the amazing blessings in my life today!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

"My problem, like any self-respecting alcoholic/addict is that I take everything too seriously and too personally."

Now I would never have that problem. NOT! I can get so wound up about so much non-essential stuff that it drives me bonkers.

Been through that job problem so many times it makes my head spin. And a bank? I've always considered a job at a bank my definition of hell. I don't know how you do it.