Sunday, July 20, 2008

Well, we did the sleepover, and what a fiasco, wow! My son was in a bit of a less-than-ideal-party-hosting mood. He had two friends over, one older than him by a couple years and one his age. And let me tell you, they fought like a bunch of talk show guests debating politics... being all tired and worn out from the stresses of a long work week, I didn't handle things as well as I should have and got pretty pissed off when they wouldn't behave and quit arguing. I had to stop what they were doing on several occasions to set them aright and get them to stop hollering and acting like wild people. And, I sure was disappointed in how my son treated his younger friend, almost as if the poor kid were a dog. I ended up (once we were all safely tucked away in our tents and supposedly down for the nite) taking the little fella home cuz the bugs were getting to him, and my son was being less than a good host, while playing nicely with the older boy. he wanted his mom, and frankly I can't say as I blame him. I feel like I really let him and my wife down cuz I really got pissed a few times, especially at my wife, who seemed to see the need to "schedule" events for the evening as if we were on some sort of cruise... So, I let that nonsense get to me, and was less than pleasant to her. All in all, is wasn't one of my better moments. Suffice it to say, I was your basic dry drunk crab-ass. Regardless of whether people were behaving poorly around me or not. I behaved poorly in response and all I can really do is work on me and take responsibiltiy for my part.

We had a chit chat with Ian tonite about being nice to his friends, and treating people respectfully, even if they do things you don't like. (I could just feel the gaze of my wife, upon me as we had THAT little talk with the boy. Ian and I are definitely cut from the same cloth and I really didn't set a good example last nite. I pray that I might do better in the future.

This morning at Mass, our former Pastor was in attendance and celebrated the Eucharist with us. It was awesome to hear him speak, see his calm, loving demeanor. He was promoted/ordained to Bishop of a diocese across the state from us and while our current pastor is awesome in his own right, I miss the former. His final "official" act as our Pastor was to Baptize Ian. So, we think that's pretty special.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Such drama. Such excitement. Such adventure. All the qualities of a great movie! You should sell tickets lol :)

Sunshine said...

Hey there........ long time no read. Good to know you're still here and doing so well working on you! : ) That's all we can really do. Thanks for keeping the blog rolling. I'm going to try to be more active and re-start mine. I need to get the crazy out of my head and on 'paper' : ) Talk to you soon!

Mary Christine said...

Phew. I don't think I would have handled that well either. Then I would have to be doing the soul searching you are doing...