Sunday, August 24, 2008

a prayer up to the heavens

I offer a simple prayer of peace and wellness to all my friends and family who are sick or dealing with illness in their family: Dawn's dad, John R, Bill S, Rita B, Don N, Jack and Kathy and her dog Cleveland... May our Lord be with you all, comforting and making you well in Body and Soul. I also offer this prayer to the alcoholics out there who are sick and suffering, and to their families.

It's important that we pray for one another, that we do our best to wish each other well in our thoughts, that perhaps our deeds might manifest this goodness. We're all here in this together and we all need one another at various times in our lives. I am self centered enough that I need to pray for others to help myself. I know in my heart of hearts that I must help others for it's God's Will for me. I am here to do God's bidding, help others and through those two actions,I shall be given all I need and more.

1 comment:

steveroni said...

Boy, I BELIEVE in prayer, powerful stuff. A favorite short quote describes my regret:

"Never weary in prayer. When one day man sees how marvelously his prayer has been answered, then he will deeply, so deeply, regret that he prayed so little."
--pg 89, GOD CALLING ...A.J. Russell

You can also find this in our (non-AA literature-ahem-) 24 HR a Day Book (Hazeldon, 'meditation' on May 16.