Friday, September 18, 2009

a little gratitude

There's a lot rattling around my mind this morning, after scouting out some of my fave bloggers. I like to read a few blogs before posting my own, on most mornings. It sort of gets me "in the mood" so to speak lol.

I have a 5K to participate in next Saturday and I haven't been terribly consistent in my "training." I hadn't planned on "racing" and running. I just want to walk it mainly and jog when I can. I've just been busy in meetings and with the various things I do in my life. I guess that means I honestly haven't made this a priority. I've thought alot about it, lol. But, I am pretty sure that thinking doesn't get you in shape lol. At least it never has for me. I can say that I am so very tired of "fighting" myself when it comes to fitness and weight. Perhaps that means I am approaching a point of surrender and forward progress where this is all concerned. My mind knows this is really a "just do it" thing. My spirit struggles to want to "just do it."

Grateful thoughts...

I am grateful to be sober for sure!
I am grateful for the health I have (and pray that I begin to do things to improve upon it)...
I am grateful for my family...
I am grateful for my friends...
I am grateful for AA...
I am grateful that my friend MC is finding some relief...
I am grateful for people that pray for me, and to have people to pray for...
I am grateful that HP hears our prayers...
I am grateful for blogging...
I am grateful for my new career, and the courage to puruse it...
I am grateful for Fridays ;-)


steveroni said...

Funny! I am grateful for the same things! Thanks for making my list tonight!


Anonymous :) said...

3 words easier said than done. Sounds like you've accomplished quite a bit already. Great post.