Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Maybe it's a function of getting a little older, I don't know. But, it seems like I know more and more people who are sick or dying or have passed on. I turn 41 in a couple weeks, so it's not like I am all that old but it just seems like I know a lot of folks who are struggling with their health.

I know there's usually not anything I can do to help them directly. But, there is one thing I can do that I believe to be very powerful. I can pray. I owe them that. I owe me that. People prayed for me when I was not well, when I was struggling to find myself while actively addicted to drugs and alcohol. People prayed for me when I came through the doors of AA, people who had no idea who I was, but who knew the Hell I was living in. And so, I pray. It's what I can do, what I am supposed to do and what I love to do for others.

Father, please be with these people and their families and support groups. I pray that You might ease their suffering, bring them the Peace only You can bring with Your healing embrace. Please wrap them in Your loving warmth and comfort them. Help me help them in whatever way You see fit.

Please be with:

Bill for his brain cancer; Tony for his cancer; my cousin Richie with his cancer; Mark's mom with her illness and worries; Paula and her family for the loss of her father; Dave and his daughter for her cancer; all the sick and suffering people out there with cancer and other awful diseases, all the struggling addicts and alcoholics out there who just need to grasp hold of God's Grace.

Father, please Bless and Care for these folks today. Please help my readers be encouraged to add their own intentions, give them the strength to be there for their loved ones.

Please feel free to add your own intentions in your comments...


Pammie said...

I believe in the power of prayer.

Syd said...

I pray for those that are sick and suffering. Thanks Scott.