Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Cosmo!

Man, the week caught up with me and I have been rather "foggy" the past couple of days after all the activity lol.

An interesting turn of events with Ian's baseball evaluations over the weekend. The coaches decided to take all the 2nd graders who came Saturday and put them on the 3rd and 4th grade teams in addition to playing on their regular 1st and 2nd grade teams. So, Ian's coach called me to give us the good news and ask me to help coach lol. This should prove to be a good learning opportunity for both of us lol. I feel like we're moving up to the big leagues. Now the boys pitch, no more batting tees, no more squeezing the entire lineup into the field on defense. Hopefully I am not in over my head, lol.

Yesterday was Cosmo's (our Jack Russell Terrier) 5th birthday. She celebrated with some new chew toys, a long big rawhide bone and a plate of spaghetti (she goes nuts whenever we make spaghetti, recognizes the pans, the smells, everything it's funny). Happy Birthday Cosmo!

I have been doing the very thing I have suggested others in AA not do. I have been staying away from meetings because of personalities. When it comes down to popping over to the noon meeting at lunchtime I keep decided against it because I don't want to listen to the drama and the bullshit that's been going on lately. I don't guess that's probably the best attitude for me to have and I will pray about it. I am just turned off by what's going on with the local AA. This too shall pass, I am sure.


drybottomgirl said...

Happy belated birthday Cosmo..and may I say you look fabulous! I love dogs they love you unconditionally! I know you live in a small town so I'm not sure how many meeting choices you have, but I've had to switch up my meetings. I kept going to the 5:30 meeting and there was a man who started to become very attatched to me, it was getting very strange and then someone told my sponsor and she immediately worked with me on getting to "healthier" meetings. I only attend four per week but they give me a lot of "meat and potatoes" and I don't have to listen to the same stories over and over like I was. Hang in there and like you said "this too shall pass" Glad to hear your son's going to have an exciting year of baseball....and you as well.

Anonymous said...

Helping coach my son's baseball team was one of the neatest things that we did together as he was growing up. Enjoy!

Syd said...

Cosmo is so cute. Happy birthday to Cosmo. Make sure that you get your spaghetti!
I have to tell myself to place principles above personalities all the time. It is only when my own ego rises up and thinks that I know how to do things better than so and so that problems arise.

Scott M. Frey said...

drybottomgirl- meetings are few and far between around this rural aprt of Ohio so I have to pick and choose... I need to be a big boy and just go to my local meeting since it's here, it's AA and it's convenient...

glad you were able to get away from that fellow!