Saturday, July 17, 2010

trying to be humble (no real reasons not to be...)


It would be easy for me to get all excited about myself these days. As the "Executive Director" of the Chamber of Commerce, I am in the public eye. (I wasn't prepared for that part...) So, I get to do radio, TV, write in the local papers, etc. I've even begun to do some public announcing and
"em-ceeing." Alcoholics like me (especially since I am into sale, marketing, promotion, people, etc) LOVE this kind of attention.

What I need to realize is that I am just another person trying to make his way in the world. The chamber does do some great work in and for the communities we serve, it's not life or death or anything. There's not really any stress (other than what I put upon myself by becoming too self important), and it's not a terribly difficult job. But, it's busy and I am in front of lots of people. Therein lies the opportunity for me to get all full of myself.

My understanding of humility goes something like this: I know who and what I am, I know who and want I wish to become and I realize where I need to draw strength from in order to become that person. God gives me the strength daily. He gave me the talents and gifts that help me along the way. I'm an alcoholic/addict, blessed to be alive and sober today. My goal is to be less like the using alcoholic/addict each day and more like the person God wants me to be. For me, that's humility. When I can keep that in mind (which is why I chose to write on this today), I do much better with not getting all excited about Scott.

Humility keeps me sober, sane and at peace.


dAAve said...


steveroni said...

Sounds like 12X12 to me...grin!

drybottomgirl said...

Someone recently said to me: humility is kneeling before God, not trying to be God. I think you got it under control but being in the limelight is appealing....

Syd said...

That is a really laudable goal. I am with you on that.