Wednesday, April 12, 2006

HP chairs a meeting!

I made time yesterday to hit the 12:30 meeting I've been going to the past few months. Man, am I glad I did. I got there at 12:20, there was no one there, so I made a quick pot 'o Joe and these three gals showed up. I sat and listened as they chit chatted prior to beginning the meeting and it was nice to sit and listen, really listen to recovery from a woman's perspective. One of the gals I had met last week at her 2nd and 3rd AA meetings ever. Another seems to have been around for some time and the third was in her first few months of recovery. Well, the newest member grabbed the chairman's paper and got the meeting going, good for her. It was just the 4 of us for about half the meeting until another gentleman strode in around 1 as he always does. We talked about faith (or the lack thereof), the 3rd Step, prayer in early recovery and it really took me back. Everyone got to share alot, being as there was only 4 of us. It was one of those meetings where you leave just floating on a cloud. I had so much faith in HP and AA and people by the time I left there. It was just one of those rare little moments when 5 relative strangers open up and share some very personal stuff. Funny how the topic was faith and of course trust and how the gals felt like they had so little. Yet, as the meeting wore on, they shared so much of themselves, so much personal stuff that they were sharing on faith, trusting that we would all keep what was said in our hearts. Talk about faith and trust! We all discussed some pretty personal stuff! That was definitely a meeting where I felt the Presence of God, BIG TIME! I feel as if I made 4 good friends yesterday. I only hope that they got as much as I did from the meeting, especially the gals who really sounded as if they were struggling with the program, faith, etc. They all were stable in their dryness, but growing in the program was coming slowly. I could so relate, I love that magic!! It was just great to sit there and listen to them share their stuff, and for me to share mine... It was a really magical meeting, one I will not forget for some time. Geeze, just posting about this has me floating once again!

Man, thanks HP for helping me take time out of an insanely busy day to make that meeting!

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