Wednesday, August 29, 2007

drinking from a fire hydrant

Training, especially the first few days, is alot like drinking from a fire hydrant. I got my new laptop yesterday, got set up on the network, got a bunch of applications loaded and running, and began the corporate indoctrination. It was nifty! I'm excited! I have to go back down to Dayton today, and probably tomorrow, then I am with another loan officer... I found out that my compensation package improved greatly, and our new insurance will start immediately, which means I don't have to write the Sept checks for our current insurance. I have been self insured for awhile now, ouch! So, we're seeing some nice improvements to the cash flow already!

On the way home, I stopped at the Honda dealer and finally got to see what a Root Beer 2008 Honda Element SC actually looks like. Man is it spiffy, and drives great! We'll be owning one as our next vehicle, hopefully soon!

Tonite is my last CCD teaching class. I love classes, this one has been great. But, I am glad it's over, as this will help clear my schedule some, and return me to normalcy, whatever that is! I start teaching 3 weeks from tonite... I'm a little nervous! lol
placing myself in the Presence of God...
God, thank You for another sober morning. Thank You for all the things this day brings, I pray that I accept them, and flourish in Your Will. Please help me to remember that I am here to serve you and those around me. Help me absorb all the info that's coming my way with training and thanks for this new adventure. I have a feeling we've made the right decision here. And to think, I nearly blew off the initial call about the job. Another example of my best thinking, my initial reaction almost ruining an amazing opportunity. I am grateful You intervened, and I listened.
peace be with you all...


dAAve said...

I always liked A&W root beer.

Pammie said...

Oh darlin', I work for a Huge Corporation, and I know just what you mean...drinking from a fire hydrant..I LOVE THAT!

lushgurl said...

I hope you're not too busy to play...Tag You're It!