Saturday, July 31, 2010

an eye opener

Carol made an interesting point (in comments to yesterday's post) that sort of cut to the bone (because it is true). I have been bemoaning the difficulties in my marriage quite alot of late. I laid out this nice at home "to-do list" weekend in ymy post yesterday and neglected to mention anything about working on my relationship with my wife. So, what does that say about where I am at?

Before we venture together off any sort of deep end, I can tell you that my wife suggested last nite that we take Ian to the drive-in (yes, we still have those out hee in fly over country) to see a movie. Usually Fri nites involve me being a lazy bum from being tired. I said hey, good idea, we went, hung out in the back of the Kia together and had a nice time. So, I worked on our marriage without even realizing or trying lol Do I get credit for that? (kidding)

I guess working on things, doesn't require an announcement as such, or a ticker tape parade... I want us to be happy, but it seems like it is such a struggle, more than it ought to be. I keep putting one foot in front of the other, praying, doing the best I can and waiting.

Today is "get stuff done day" once I end the "me time" blogging and so forth. I want to have a wake of accompishments behind me by Sunday evening. Wish me luck lol


Carol said...

Sounds good, you're right that some things get worked on without putting them ona list. A few years back I was trying to 'work on things' with someone and I happened on an Alanon page that was a reminder that any relationship has more than two people, it also has your higher power in it as well. Takes the pressure off!

Syd said...

Sounds like a date night each week might be a good thing!