In speaking with my mom, I learned yesterday afternoon that her pulmonary specialist identified the spot on her lung as being cancerous. Mom has an appt. set for Tuesday morning with a surgeon who wiill determine if the spot is operable. From there, the decisions begin. If it is operable, they will go in an remove it immediately. If not, we're looking at other options. So, the rubber is meeting the road... I am concerned but not freaking out and at this point everyone is assuming the best and preparing for decisions. I went to church to teach on Wed evening and lit a candle for mom, and lit one for another friend who was fearing bad medical news this week.
I am grateful, to say the least. AA teaches me (and reminds me yet again today at the noon meeting) that I need not lose my mind (or sobriety) over life's challenges. So, I'm stubbornly living in the day, refusing to allow my mind to go to bad places with worry and doubt. Gratitude for recovery, for a closeness with my mom, for my wife and son, for everything... That's what is carrying me presently.
Comments from you folks have been most helpful and so very meaningful. I love that about recovery people. We love each other unconditionally and deeply and that's very special to me.
I hope things work out better for you Mom than it did for my Mom,lung cancer took her life in sept 2003
Prayers are being offered.
There are times in life that just plain suck...this is one of those times. But it's a lot less sucky sober than it would be if you were drinking. And I'm sure your mom is grateful for that as well.
Keep your chin up...
I'm sorry about the news about your mom but I am so inspired by your ability to stay in the day and handle the moment with such grace.
When I first started going to AA and hearing stories like this of people handling potentially difficult situations having to do with health, I could not relate at all. My reaction had always been to fly off the handle and freak out. It was my way of preparing myself. Everything was scary. Hearing and reading stories like yours helps make it all seem less frightening.
Thank you. Sending prayers.
I'll include your mom in my prayers.
Isn't it a wonderful thing to have the program at a time like this?
Thank you ladies for your kindnesses :-)
Scott, I am sorry to hear about your mom's cancer. I do know that God is with her and with you. Thinking of you and your dear mother.
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